Parents in the Coast region are accused of for failing to guide their children to the right paths, away from drug abuse.
Following their habit of being defensive whenever they are informed of the behavioural changes among their children, most parents in the region become the last people to know that indeed their children are immersed into hard drugs.
Speaking in Mombasa during a sensitisation forum on the effects of drug use to the youthful generation, Reachout Centre Trust Assistant Monitoring and Evaluation Officer, Aisha Ndwiga said the young generation remain vulnerable to drugs and all efforts should be directed to advocacy and deterring them from indulging in drugs.
“We are now witnessing very young age of up to 14 years indulging in drug use. This is very dangerous trend and more advocacy is needed right at the grassroots level and in learning institutions to contain the volatile situation,” said Ms Ndwiga.
Behavioural changes
She urged parents to closely monitor their children so that they can notice abrupt behavioural changes and engage them in a manner that they will eventually reveal what triggered such changes in their behaviours.
“When the gap between the parents and their children is increasing day by day, it will be difficult for such parents to notice any changes in their children’s behaviours. Parenting matters more in fighting drug use among youthful generation and mostly minors,” she said.
The anti-drug activist also noted that the availability of drugs in their locality has moved many youth into drugs.
She also revealed that some of the youth start doing drugs by using what has been ‘allowed’ by the government before advancing their thirst to hard drugs.
“We have all seen the recent debate on Muguka leaves, indeed these leaves highly affects the normal mental and health state of a human being. It is from these that later the user advances to hard drugs,” she said.
The anti-drug activists also noted that the organisation—Reachout Centre Trust—has been working towards rehabilitating those already affected by the wrath of drugs.
“However, we are now putting more efforts on deterring the youth and minors from indulging in drug use. This needs multi-sectoral and community approach in safeguarding the nations’ future from plunging into drugs,” noted Ms Ndwiga.