Home Health What to do when red eye disease strikes

What to do when red eye disease strikes

[A person affected by conjunctivitis (Red eye) disease. Mombasa county is currently grappling with red eye disease among locals. Photo/courtesy/January, 23, 24].

Panic has engulfed Mombasa residents following the outbreak of Conjunctivitis, an eye related ailment disease famously known as red eye or pink eye disease.

Red eye disease is caused by inflammation of the thin clear covering of the white part of the eye and the inside of the eyelids.

Following the outbreak of the disease in Mombasa, the Mombasa County health department said the disease may have been triggred by viruses, bacterial infections, allergies and other irritants, that have led to many locals suffering from the disease.

However, according to the Mombasa county health department, already public awareness campaign on preventive measures is ongoing so as to enable locals prevent and protect themselves from the red eye outbreak.

Maximum personal hygiene

You are required to maximise personal hygiene by frequently washing your hands with soap and water for atleast 20 seconds, make this your normal routine atleast until the disease is completely contained.

Make use of hand sanitiser with atleast 60% of alcohol if soap and water is not available, avoid touching faces, especially your eyes with unwashed hands.

Do not rub your eyes as this can easily transmit germs and irritants into your eyes. However, you can use tissue or inside elbow to touch you your eyes when necessary.

“Improve on personal hyigine by not sharing towels, pillow cases, eye make up and always wash your beddings, towels and other personal effects frequently especially when someone in the household has contacted conjunctivitis,” read part of the County health department statement.

If you are suffering from conjunctivitis, avoid close contact with others, and stay indoors until the symptoms improve so that you also protect others from contracting the disease. One can also use sunglasses to protect eyes from irritants, this reduces the spread of infectitious particles.

“Always cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or your elbow when coughing or sneezing and ensure you immediately dispose off properly and wash hands immediately afterwards,” added the public awareness circular.

Locals are further advised to avoid contamination and stop sharing of items among them eye drops, contact lenses and contact lense cases. Also cleaning and disinfecting surfaces especially those, which come in contact with your hands and face.

“Apart from embracing health precautions in our homes, the very critical thing is to seek urgent medical attention when experiencing red eye like symptoms,” said the public health alert.



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