Changamwe Member of Parliament Omar Mwinyi has promised more investments on sports so that he continues nurturing talents in his Constituency.
Mwinyi said he is already implementing the construction of a multi-purpose modern sports facility in Magongo which will consist of a basketball, volleyball and soccer among other discplines.
Mwinyi said he is closely monitoring the construction of the modern sports facility and in the next six months, the construction will be complete.
“We are also constructing a similar modern sports facility at Chaani Primary school. Our main vision is to ensure at least we have a modern sports facility in every Ward within Changamwe constituency,” said Mwinyi.
The Lawmaker said when all the construction works are complete, the sports facility will be able to hosts various competitions including regional and national.
“When we improve sports facilities up to the very grassroots level, we are exposing our children to various avenues enabling them to nurture their talents and earn from them,” said Mr Mwinyi.
In the past one week, the Changamwe Legislature has been monitoring implementation of various projects including construction of modern sports facilities in the constituency.
“We need to focus on how our children will discover, value and use their God-given talents to earn a living. We will only achieve this by creating that space where they can dedicatedly nurture them,” said Mwinyi.
His efforts have been backed by parents, teachers, students and the youthful generation within Changamwe Constituency.
Changamwe being a Subcounty that has not been spared by the wrath of drugs and crime, locals say such gesture will salvage the youth from indulging in crime and drugs and venture into building their sports careers.