Home News Involve youth in all aspects of development-Noor tells Gov’t

Involve youth in all aspects of development-Noor tells Gov’t

[Swahilipot Hub Patron and renowned youth Mentor Mahmoud Noor. He has urged the government to engage the youth in all matters of national interests and progress. Photo/courtesy/August, 13, 24].

Renowned youth Mentor Mahmoud Noor has urged the government to fully involve the youth in all matters of national progress.

The youth Icon said the young generation should not be ignored but engaged by all quarters of the government so that they contribute to national transformative agenda.

Speaking at the Technology, Art and Heritage centre, Swahilipot Hub in Mombasa, Mr Noor said the youth remain critical aspect in national development and their views, opinions and general contribution to the development agenda should not be discarded.

He further noted that by involving and directly deliberating with the youth at the very grassroots level, the government will be containing the unrests by the youthful generation recently witnessed in the country and which led to destruction and bloodshed.

Noor, said when youth feel sidelined, ignored and their vast knowledge and skills not put in use by the own government, they invent ways of pushing the government to listen to their grievances.

“Since the government took various steps and acted after the series of protests, it is time the youth in this country cease the protests and engage the government so that they are included in various engagements on national progress matters,” said the youth Mentor.


Mr Noor however, urged the youth to fight for their space and use the available opportunities so that they economically face-lift themselves.

“We are decrying the high rate of unemployment in the country, but have we exhausted the various government initiatives so that we can be self-reliant?” posed Noor.

The Swahilipot Hub Patron, said there are various opportunities from the National and the County government as well which the youth should embrace.

He said youth from other parts of the country have benefited from the Youth Enterprise Development Fund, Uwezo Fund, the Hustler Fund among others and the coastal youth should benefit from them too.

“Some youth do not seek any information and blame it on various obstacles deterring them from accessing the funds. However, an example of the Hustler Fund, it is simple between you and your mobile phone to access that fund so where is the bureaucracy in accessing this fund?” posed Mr Noor.



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