The government has been challenged to invest more on mental health reforms as recommended by the Mental health taskforce report, 2020.
Despite the escalating challenges affecting mental health among a significant number of Kenyans, no much investments and implementation measures to guide through and help out Kenyans grappling with myriad mental health challenges in the country.
Mental health expert and Consultant Dr Soud Tengah noted that many Kenyans are suffering from various mental health related obstacles with many not knowing where or whom to turn to for help.
The Mental Health Research and Innovations (MEHIR) Executive Director, an Organisation that offers mental health awareness, mitigation measures and general consultancy for the wellbeing of individuals, workers and the communities on various aspects surrounding mental health, noted that there are no clear provisions and investments or specific funds set aside by the government to tackle mental health challenges.
Dr Tengah says without clear guidelines, adequate funds and specialists to tackle the issue, Kenyans will remain in such a sorry and painfully state of affairs.
“Depression, Alcohol and substance use disorders, Stress, Anxiety disorders, Bipolar are just but a number of the contributing factors to this problem, the list is endless but what are the mitigating measures?” posed the mental health expert.
Mr Tengah noted that there is need for the government to have well coordinated structure to curtail mental challenges facing many Kenyans.
“Currently many Kenyans are struggling to make ends meet. Such situation has hugely triggered a hike in mental health challenges among Kenyans, we have seen suicidal incidents in various parts of the country, this needs a proper dialogue between the government and Kenyans to tackle it,” reiterated the Lead consultant on mental health matters.
Tengah noted that Kenya’s health care sector needs transformation so that it implements various measures to tame mental health setbacks among Kenyans.
The taskforce revelations indicate that at least every 1 out of 4 Kenyans is grappling with mental health related challenges with depression taking the lead, affecting many Kenyans.
It is now emerging that the youthful generation between the age of 18-35 is the mostly affected by mental health challenges in the country according to the taskforce report. However many Kenyans above that age bracket are not spared neither.
The situation starts from mild to severe, this is because many do not know where to seek help, counseling or guidance to oversee the situation.
“When one is taken ill for example suffering from malaria or serious headaches they will rush to the nearest health centre for treatment. What happens when I am grappling with mental health challenges, where will I rush to or who is the first person I should ask for assistance from? That has been the biggest question that is yet to get a conclusive response from the government,” noted the mental health expert.