Home News Coast Searfares decry stalled blue economy project

Coast Searfares decry stalled blue economy project

[Seafarers; Daniel Kitsao (in yellow) with Albert Adembesa (left) and KADU Asili Chairperson Joshua Karoro during a press briefing in Mombasa. Photo/Ahmed Omar/February, 06, 24].

Coast Seafarers’’ leaders have raised concerns over the snail pace of blue economy projects in the region, thus depriving the youths of employment opportunities.

The leaders say the state bid to escalate investments in the blue economy may remain a pipe dream if the projects are not completed.

The seafarers want the re-introduction of government-led recruitment of seafarers akin to the one conducted in 2022 where more than 5000 Kenyans were recruited to shipping lines.

They want the construction of the multi-billion Liwatoni Fish processing plant hastened. The construction of a Sh6B Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) compliant ultra-modern tuna fish hub at the plant was set to be completed in December, 2023.

“Blue economy is the backbone of the Coast region economy, the project is taking off at a snail’s pace since inception. Our hands are tied. We expected the Liwatoni Tuna Project to employ more than 3000 youths but it has stalled,” said Daniel Kitsao, a seafarer and politician.

He added that they have heard the contractor is being replaced which may result in court battle that will further derail the project.

They alleged that the World Bank funded Kenya Marine Fisheries and Socio-Economic Development Project (KEMFSED), implemented by the State Department for Blue Economy and Fisheries funds are being utilised in other regions

“The project aim is to uplift the fisher folk but we are being told the funds have been diverted to Nairobi, they are being used to construct the Uvuvi house, and purchase vehicles at the expense of fisher folks,” said Kitsao.

KADU Asili National Chairperson Joshua Kororo decried that coastal people feel neglected by the current regime.

He questioned why a College of Oil and Gas was established in Naivasha while the exploration will be done in Shimoni, Kwale County. “How will the project benefit the coastal people who can’t afford to go to Naivasha,” he said.

Albert Adembesa, a seafarers’ leader, urged President Willima Ruto to address and resolve the issues facing Kenyan fishermen.

He called for the implementation of the International Labour Organization (ILO) Convention 185 on Seafarers’ Identity Document (SID) that Kenya ratified and was also passed by the parliament in 2022.

Adembesa added that the document has not been issued to seafarers despite assurances from senior government officials.

“The document is crucial, it’s very urgent. More than 400 Kenyans seafarers risk losing their jobs on international ship lines if the convention is not implemented,” said Adembesa, adding that the Head of State should intervene for them to work on foreign vessels.

The Seafarers want the Ministry of Blue Economy to procure vessels for deep sea fishing, take them for refresher courses and a hospital to be set up.

“Kenya’s territorial water is endowed with fish, there are many foreign fishing vessels that do fishing and sell in other countries. We should purchase at least five ships that will employ more than 400 youths,” said Adembesa.




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